- title:
iffr 2017
- start date:
- Wed 25 January, 00:00
- end date:
- Sun 5 February, 23:00
- organisation:
- International filmfestival rotterdam
- place:
- several locations Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- admission:
- At the door € 12,00
- more info:
- website
Want to learn more about composition? Watch a movie! See how “directors of photography” use composition and depth of field to get their view across in 24-60 frames(pictures) a second.
The International Film Festival Rotterdam shows many films from around the world. There surely will be something to your liking.
A quick look in the program shows several films related to photography, such as;
But am sure I’ve missed some, feel free to add some in the comments.
On a personal note; I’m happy to see my favourite Japanese director Miike Takashi has another movie playing on the festival. Nothing to with photography but an acquired taste for absurdity…
Categories inspiration, movie