- title:
International Kodak Film Photography Day aka George Eastman Day
- start date:
- Wed 12 July, 00:00
- organisation:
- n/a
- place:
- online , World Wide
- admission:
- free admission
- more info:
- website
On July 12, 1854, George Eastman was born. He founded Eastman Kodak Company, forever popularly known simply as “Kodak”. Without him, we would not have many of the film, cameras, and photographic technology and innovations that we have today, and he was in no small part responsible for helping bring photography into the mainstream.
Thus, International Kodak Film Photography Day was born! Let’s celebrate together to help carry on the legacy that George Eastman created.
Go out and shoot any Kodak film or Camera, if you’re near Rochester, USA, check out the walk by the Kodak Musuem.
Wondering about which film, cameras, and photographic technology and innovations that we have today originated at Kodak? Check out this video in our Read/Watch/Learn section.
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