©Richard Hanemaayer
- title:
Street fashion gallery
- start date:
- Sat 8 April, 17:00
- end date:
- Sun 4 June, 00:00
- organisation:
- RAW Streetphotography Gallery
- place:
- West Kruiskade 51 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- admission:
- free admission
- more info:
- website
RAW Streetphoto Gallery is excited to announce a new collaboration between creative minds of Rotterdam.
A joint effort by the gallery, clothing store Bob & Bill and photographer Richard Hanemaayer.(yes, thats me)
Rotterdam with its colorful urban street graffiti has inspired the mood of the session as it reflects the springtime. This explosion of color is contrasted by the city’s urban centers, providing the beautiful backgrounds.
Being my first exposition I’m looking forward to seeing you there. #shamelessselfpromotion
Categories exhibition