Inauguration of Raw streetphoto gallery

Hello everyone,

My name is Alexey. Recently I have decided to open streetphoto gallery for emerging artists. Gallery name is Raw for Rotterdam and to underline the emerging spirit of artists. This blog is about the challenges on the way of creating the gallery and curating the exhibitions.

It was a great adventure to find the space for gallery. Followed by building a team to work and finally find the artist to take part. The first exhibition of new gallery can be only compared with the birth of a baby. It is extremly stressfull, and result has a tendency to be unpredictable.

To somehow control the situation it was important for me to keep an eye on timing and have minimum of mistakes. Task before opening was to select the works to exhibit, prepare photography for printing. Then not to forget to start gallery website and create Facebook page. Moreover it is important to invite guests. Finally how to make the gallery stay public after the opening.

I had a luck my super hero team. Graphic designer Ksenja was preparing the works for printing and promotional banners for invitations. My brother designing the website of gallery, and Tatiana take charge over social media.

Meanwhile I took a mission to find the printing house, framing the works and make all necessary texts. Not to forget to prepare the space for the exhibition. Keep in mind the following exhibitions with artists to take part in it.

My team was working just in time and all the work went faster then expected. Finally all the photoworks were in frames and ready for exhibition.

Exactly at this moment I discovered that all the exhibition hall was one big mess.

It was full of furniture and garbage of the co-owners of the art platform Raw gallery was sharing. Unbelievable! I could not sleep. The owner of the art platform gave me the guarantee that everything will be fine – and it was. Just one hour before the inauguration! If you plan to share space – be ready for such things!

Once during final preparations I found out that there was some journalist looking for me. Unbelievable, she got interested in the work I was doing and had some ideas for the cooperation. Later I discovered that it was Thamar Kiemel from new photography project “where to go”. Such a chance. I was happy. It was a sign that all my efforts were not for nothing.

The exhibition opening of Jasper van Orden has come. Everything was ready for the inauguration of Raw streetphoto gallery. I was expecting no-one to come.

At time X my guests started to arrive. Incredible feeling of magic happiness.

Guests were coming and coming. That was moment I and my friends were working so hard. Parallel to the gallery opening was a live concert of Rotterdam band. So charming and friendly atmosphere. I could not expect better, that was success.

Great time with Jasper, my friends, many people that I saw first time. -such a magic to see the result of such an effort. Think it was great opening. Raw streetphoto gallery has passed successful its first exhibition vernissage.

Since then I had already two exhibition openings. About some tips to make a good exhibition I will write next blog. Only for you.

If you have any questions you can write to my email:

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