©Toon Michiels
- title:
Toon Michiels NEON Signs
- start date:
- Sun 24 January, 11:00
- end date:
- Sun 1 May, 19:00
- organisation:
- Nederlands Foto Museum
- place:
- Wilhelminakade 332, 3072 AR Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- admission:
- At the door € 10,00
- more info:
- website
A homage to Dutch artists Toon Michiels (1950 – 2015). In the mid-1970’s he visited the USA several times and fell under the spell of neon signs.
A selection was published in American Neon Signs by Day & Night in 1980, but it took more than thirty-five years for his work to be rediscovered and reevaluated. It is being exhibited for the first time in both the Netherlands and abroad.
Images: Desert Isle Motel, Las Vegas, Nevada, 1979 and Holiday Motel, Las Vegas, Nevada, 1979 ©Toon Michiels
© Toon Michiels