Food for thought: Food photography

© Thamar Kiemel

Recently I discovered a photography style that I, a self-proclaimed outdoor photographer, would never imagine to practice: Food photography.

I signed-up for a lesson “Introduction to Food Photography” at, just see what my photo-friend Michiel Fokkema and his companions are doing.

The workshop I chose was out of my comfort zone and I was surprised how much I actually liked it. Apparently the trend in food photography is working with natural light and real food, and I like that. A lot. No studio light and fake props, all just natural. I also like the idea that I can do this on a tiny tabletop within the comfort of my own home on a rainy autumn day.

AV7A2808One of the things that is so different photographing from outdoors is the amount of influence you have on your light. Especially when it comes to shading shiny objects. (see the before and after example where the bottom image is shaded a with a black screen).

Out in the open you can just alter your viewing point for the best light or light up some shadows with your reflection screen. The black screen and the middle soft screen are rarely used outdoors. These two come handy when you start with this kind of photography, that needs a more refined approach. I have done some product photography in the past, but with food you learn a lot the textures and colours its purpose to make you feel like you want to eat it. It is really hard to get that right.

Meanwhile at we connected with online food magazine ‘De Buik van Rotterdam’, they want to work with photographers from the network. Not only food photographers, but also lifestyle and behind the scenes in the kitchens of Rotterdam. Do you want to be part of De Buik photographers team check out our wanted section for info.

My food for thought from this experience is that even though you try a lot of different styles, sometimes when you go really out of your comfort zone you might be surprised with the results.

Food styling last four images: Robbert van Gammeren, Restaurant Fritschy

Want to do a food photography workshop? check out the calendar of


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